Red light therapy is a form of photo-biomodulation or a treatment that uses light-emitting diodes (LED) or low-level laser therapy to stimulate cellular activity to achieve therapeutic benefits. The unique wavelengths of Red Light and Near Infrared light stimulate cellular and mitochondrial energy, breaking down fat cells, and releasing their contents harmlessly into the bloodstream. Fats are then converted to carbon dioxide which we remove from our body through urinating, defecating, and breathing out.
Red light therapy works for neuropathy, arthritis, inflammation/swelling and chronic pain. It also improve wound healing, reduce stretch marks, reduce wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. It improves facial texture, restores collagen, improve psoriasis, rosacea and eczema. Improve sun-damaged skin.
Benefits of Red Light Therapy:
Acne and Inflamed Acne Marks
Although Red Light is not used to kill acne-causing bacteria, it will help reduce the inflammation brought about by acne. Red and Infrared lights penetrate the skin at different levels and power up the cells to repair the skin from within. It repairs the skin tissues that acne has destroyed.
Body Contouring & Weight Loss
Although it sounds impossible to lose weight by just shining red light on fatty areas of the body, it is backed by science. Our body’s cells react differently to different wavelengths. The unique wavelengths of Red Light and Near Infrared light stimulate cellular and mitochondrial energy, breaking down fat cells, and releasing their contents harmlessly into the bloodstream. Fats are then converted to carbon dioxide which we remove from our body through urinating, defecating, and breathing out.
Because of the red light's ability to speed up healing, bite wounds or punctures to the skin will be healed faster because of increased blood flow to the area.
Bruises are caused by leaking blood to the skin tissues either by a direct trauma or broken capillaries. Because the blood cannot go out of the body without any break to the skin, it gives off a bluish hue that is what we often call a bruise. Red light therapy will be able to deliver nutrient-rich blood supply to the area faster that will repair and aid in the formation of new capillaries.
Burns (Minor)
Red Light Therapy increases the blood supply to the area so that our body's natural defenses and repair mechanism will be able to heal faster.
Cuts, Scrapes and Wound Care
Like mentioned, increased blood flow to the area helps speed up the body's ability to repair itself naturally.
Dry Skin and Psoriasis
Red light therapy can help with psoriasis. It penetrates the thickened skin and power up the skin cells within. Because of the increased blood flow to the surface of the skin being treated, more nutrients are delivered to that area. That means it quenches the thirst of the skin to be nourished. Oxygen-rich blood flows to the treated areas and increases the hydration brought about by good blood supply.
Treatment for Pain and Injury
Red light therapy speeds up the healing of wounds and injuries to the body and reduces inflammation too! It can improve the range of motion of joints which is a common problem for those who are experiencing arthritis, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other forms of joint pains. It helps reduce pain for those who suffer from fibromyalgia too.
Scars and Stretch marks
Collagen depletion from the body results in having loose, stretchy and saggy skin. Stretch marks are brought about by saggy skin either from sudden weight loss or aging. Red light therapy can help stimulate collagen production, thus preventing further development of stretch marks. It also helps lighten and diminish scars and even overall skin tone.
Sun Damage
Red light is a superstar in correcting sun damage. UV-free LED bulbs are used to deliver red light therapy safely and effectively. The red-light wavelength spurs cellular activity to help reverse sun damage. It can lighten age spots.
Stimulates Hair Growth
Aside from working on the skin, it works for the hair too! You do not need laser lights to stimulate your hair follicle to grow. The right red-light wavelength is enough to jumpstart hair growth! The key is to have visible red light absorbed by the hair follicle. Now, if the hair follicle has died, it cannot absorb the visible red light. Too bad there are no known treatments to resurrect lifeless hair follicles yet.
Success in regrowing hair also relies on how early the treatment is started. The earlier that it is done, the better the results. The kind of hair loss matters too. Red light hair loss therapies are recommended for individuals who have temporary hair loss due to issues such as medication side effects, stress, surgery, or other hair loss conditions, such as male pattern baldness or menopause. It takes about 2 to 3 months to see significant results in red light therapy for hair regrowth. Be patient and do not forget to do your treatments daily for best results.
Treatment for Rosacea
This drug-free and chemical-free treatment have no reported side effects which make it a suitable choice of treatment for rosacea. It is non-invasive and is safe for daily use. Visible red light can boost the skin's ability to heal itself by 200%. The skin absorbs the red light which can power up the skin cells to heal itself. It can improve blood flow to deliver oxygen to areas that need repair and heal damage.
Because of loss of collagen, wrinkles start to creep up on our face (or neck). Red light therapy helps boost collagen and fibroblasts production to help correct these unsightly tell-tale signs of aging. It works on under eye wrinkles, forehead wrinkles, laugh lines, and crow's feet.
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Body Basics Wellness Center offers a comprehensive approach to weight loss, using Red Light Therapy and customized traditional & alternative medical care across Baltimore County, Carroll County, and Reisterstown, MD.